Sunday, January 10, 2010

The untraditional holiday meal

Have you seen the movie 'Julie and Julia'? My husband and I recently watched this fun movie about a woman who decides to cook every recipe in Julia Childs The Art of French Cooking.

At one point in the movie she prepares Beef Bourguignon (burning it the first time) for a food critic.

I couldn't resist finding the recipe myself and preparing it for our family dinner on Christmas Day. Beef Bourguignon actually is Beef cooked with fresh herbs, wine, shallots and an array of other wonderful fresh ingredients. This masterpiece is a melt-in-your-mouth, yum!

There were seven of us who enjoyed the wonderful meal and the beautifully decorated table which included: gold chargers, festive Christmas dishes and glass candle holders. To accompany this exquisite Beef dish were fresh green beans cooked with bacon and onion, french bread, buttery mashed potatoes and fresh green salad served with a homemade Caesar dressing.

Don't forget dessert- my famous homemade gooey chocolate cake with toasted almonds and real whipped cream.

We may have started a new, Julia Child-inspired Christmas tradition!

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